Mercury (concept) and lucky Jupiter are in mutual reception: each planet is in the sign of the other. Today, standing in front of each other, we encourage others to be open to listening as well as expressing opinions with confidence. No matter how bold or big our ideas, we can’t grow in knowledge if we don’t learn from what others have to say. This does not mean that we must agree! Strong discussion ensures that the actions we take lead to positive outcomes. Check what your horoscope tells you today.
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
As Mercury connects with lucky Jupiter, instead of thinking about what’s possible, think about what can’t happen. If something is not possible, it can be! An optimistic attitude can make all the difference. When we don’t believe something is possible it becomes impossible. And it’s easy to find reasons to support a negative view. However, if today you are willing to think positively and explore new possibilities, an option that you dismissed as impossible will become viable.
Taurus (April 21 – May 21)
When young people are serious and thoughtful, we often say that they have “an old head on young shoulders.” As we age, we begin to value the benefits of having a youthful attitude. Wisdom is certainly a valuable resource and learning from experience is essential. But we also need to cultivate a sense of fun. When we don’t take ourselves too seriously, it’s much easier to deal with life’s inevitable challenges. Today you can find a nice balance between these two attitudes. done well This will help you make an informed decision.
Gemini (May 22 – June 22)
Everyone makes mistakes. People who pretend to have everything right are denying their failures or blaming others. This means that they do not allow themselves to learn. On the other hand, people who take responsibility for everything that goes wrong are sometimes victims; Being too hard on yourself also teaches nothing. Don’t beat yourself up today. Forgive yourself if you are unhappy with a recent decision. As your ruler, Mercury, connects with Jupiter, another (better) option arises.
Cancer (June 23 – July 23)
If we don’t have choice, life will be very complicated. We will be overwhelmed by the options. Can you imagine walking into a supermarket and choosing everything? How do you choose? And the television show? How do you know what to look for if they all interest you in the same way? We need preferences. Even our biases and assumptions help us navigate life’s sea of possibilities. However, one of your opinions is holding you back. If you review today, you can move forward with the wind of luck.
LEO (July 24 – August 23)
You are an intelligent and enthusiastic Leo. So when you see a promising club, you grab it. And you often take the right extreme. But sometimes, you are in such a hurry that it slips from your hand and in your attempt to retrieve it, you catch the wrong end. How can you be sure that your right club is on the right end today? Stop worrying about whether you’re right. Keep going and believe in what is happening. You will be able to handle any situation that arises and make it work in your favor.
Virgo (August 24 – September 23)
Stories that involve people facing impossible odds make good movies. We know that in the final scene, no matter the challenge and no matter how villainous the opponent, the hero will triumph. But does it only happen on screen? In real life, when we face problems, are we guaranteed victory? Does fate favor us so that we go forward? With Mercury conjuncting your ruler, Jupiter, comes evidence today that the narrative of your life follows this formula.
Libra (September 24 – October 23)
If you know what you want and why you want it, that doesn’t stop you from getting it… or does it? Right now it’s not that easy. You’re still evaluating the terrain and considering the obstacles you’ll have to overcome. However, acting time can’t go far… right? The conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter today brings the clarity and confidence needed to take the first step. Once you start, you can adapt. Stop doubting!
Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
What should we do when we become aware of wrongdoing? How can one person make a difference? As a sensitive Scorpio, the problems of the world affect you on a deeper level than others. But the fact that you care is significant. Even when you think you can’t make a positive change, your awareness changes energy. Today, if you do something, anything (no matter how trivial), you will be surprised at the reaction you will generate. Be as brave as you can.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
Some astrologers mention celebrities in their horoscope columns. I don’t because I’ve learned that we don’t always like people who share our sun sign. And even less would we say that we have anything in common with someone we don’t admire! So today, as Mercury (perception) opposes your ruler, not every Sagittarius will have a great day. But if you avoid comparing yourself to others and maintain your own values, you are likely to shine.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
Venus is well placed in your sign. Are you enjoying its benefits? Here’s a reminder of what you can expect: more love, comfort and security. Maybe more money. The problem is that we are so used to challenges that it is hard for us to imagine that life is not a struggle. But you won’t always face difficulties. Sometimes the cosmos gives us pause. Now you have the opportunity to simplify your life. Take advantage of them.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)
People find you attractive. They like your unconventional ideas; You say the unexpected and ask questions that others dare not. Although your direct approach may make some uncomfortable, it makes you popular. Today, with Mercury (communication) opposing Jupiter, if you choose your words and decide who to share your ideas with, you’ll find someone who will give you surprisingly helpful advice.
Pisces (February 20 – March 20)
I hope you notice that things are going well for you, the latest developments are working in your favour. Am I noticing you skeptical? Do you disagree with my assessment? Today the conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter allows you to replace fear with faith. Yes, you face a challenge. But anyone else would have it much worse. As long as you believe in your choices and make your next decisions with confidence, you will move faster towards the progress you deserve.