The most common point though is that ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Diagnosed in childhood, the truth is that there are also adults who are informed that they suffer from this condition. Such is the case with presenters Paula Vazquezwho just shared that he was diagnosed with the disorder, is about 50 years old. “I was convinced I had it after watching so many TikTok videos and I started my treatment yesterday,” the Galician told the Europa Press Microphone at the Talent Awards.
It is important to highlight that receiving this diagnosis should not be taken the wrong way, as there is a lot of information and knowledge about this condition, ways to deal with it as well as advice that can help. Help the person feel better And have a high quality of life.
It explains how ADHD is diagnosed in adulthood and how we should deal with this diagnosis, which can sometimes be unexpected. Dr. Francisco J. Lopez Canovas, Coordinator of Mental Health Unit and the relationship between the University Hospitals Vithas Madrid La Milagrosa and Vithas Madrid Aravaca.
– ADHD: Disorder suffered by Duarte Falco, son of the deceased Carlos Falco