The Man Diet, which promises to lose 9 kg in 2 months by eating a sandwich, a hard-boiled egg that we compare with experts… They may sound Chinese to you, but in fact they are the names of big nutritional trends that we have been talking about a lot in recent months. heard It will also remain in fashion, if at some point it goes out of fashion intuitive eatingor the method that supports it Listen to your body To always give you what you need, while not falling into emotional hunger that leads to binge eating for the wrong reasons.
Never feel uncaring hunger pangs against uncontrolled snacking and snack time is a litmus test. Good news? We talked to the experts to teach us how Snack with control when back from work Thanks for the best mid-afternoon recipe.

If lunch is scarce, what strategies should be followed to avoid binge eating?
It’s a classic: Your day gets hectic and you end up eating in front of the computer (a practice discouraged by experts) without enjoying lunch. The result is an insatiable appetite and a desire to come home to high-tasting foods high in fat and sodium. Gala Frixer, a nutritionist at Clinic La Prairie’s Longevity Hub, tells us that “it’s very important Create satisfying, balanced and complete meals To avoid hunger spikes immediately after eating; Avoid permanent food restrictions and ‘forbidden’ foods; And knowing how to recognize when we have emotional hunger and when it’s physiological/actual hunger (and, therefore, we should eat).”
As a resource when that full lunch isn’t possible, the secret to not wasting dinner, according to doctors Ana Crespo and Juana Coronado of the Mira+Queto Clinic medical team, is to eat something at midday: “a snack that gives us energy at the end of the day and at night.” Helps control hunger. Having dinner ready or preparing it is another very effective technique. Finally, learn to distinguish between physical hunger and mental hunger: “To do this, We have to think about the last time we ate and what kind of food we want to eat. If we have eaten more than 4 hours ago, it is normal for us to be hungry, this will be physical hungerBut if we ate 1 hour ago and all we feel is snacking, it’s probably mental hunger.

Ideal snack
From Mira+Cueto they warn us about generalizations: “It depends on each person and their situation. It will not be the same for someone who does vigorous sports in the afternoon, a pregnant woman, a teenager, someone looking to lose weight or a postmenopausal woman. Ideal snack It will depend on one’s objective.. What is important is that it includes foods with adequate nutritional value combined with balance and health.”
Gala Frixer agrees with the doctors and reiterates that “it will depend on each person and their needs: there are people who may need a stronger and more complete breakfast because, for example, They are going to have an intense training session and/or chronic; Others are not hungry and do not like snacks; And others may get a little hungry mid-afternoon and satisfy themselves with a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts.

What do snacks do to the body?
From Clinique La Prairie they highlight that “it can be effective Regulates our blood sugar levels And satisfy any hunger we may have between lunch and dinner, apart from providing extra nutrients when needed Of course,” it’s important to emphasize No acceptance is ‘binding’ And the key is to evaluate each specific case to determine what the most beneficial nutritional strategy will be.”

Dr. Crespo and Coronado highlight the importance of the following set schedule to regulate biorhythms: “However, stress, long working hours and the midday rush make many people eat quickly and poorly at lunch. At night they are hungry and in many cases they follow rewarding behaviors to satisfy hunger. Food and channel accumulated pressure. Snacking gives us extra energy and satiety In people who, because of their schedules, keep lunch far away from dinner.” Additionally, “it is also important for those who exercise in the afternoon or with children, because their energy needs are high.”

Before or after the gym?
For those who doubt whether to eat before or after training, the Longevity Hub by the Clinique La Prairie nutritionist gives us this advice: “It depends on each person, that is, on their objectives, the intensity of the exercise, the recovery time that you will have before the next workout, the exercise Do you tolerate eating well before doing… For example, for someone who wants to lose weight, who has a good lunch before training and is going Do not exercise very high intensity for about an hour, you may not have a snack before exercise And do it after training (or even dinner, depending on the time).

From the Mira+Cueto clinic they give us their best tips on snacks and exercise:
- “Take something light One hour before training To avoid hypoglycemia during training, but not to create a high insulin peak.
- Avoid heavy meals At least 4 hours before playing sports.
- After returning from training, you should eat another balanced meal, but “an hour later, since during that time our body is still in fat-burning mode. If we exercise with the aim of increasing muscle mass, we must supply protein afterwards. ” Muscular”.
- Finally, something needs to be taken before starting to avoid a drop in blood sugar for someone. “In that case, we choose a snack that contains carbohydrates such as fruits, whole grains, oats… to meet the energy needs during exercise. In elderly people who have a greater loss of muscle mass, focus on sports. Increase energy exercise and protein intake.

Food should be avoided
Mira+Cueto experts advise against drinking coffee after 7pm to avoid insomnia: “Drink fluids such as infusions or water… but no juiceBecause they contain fiber-free sugars and, therefore, create a high peak of blood glucose.” In addition, “we must discard the concept of classic ultra-processed snacks such as children’s cookies, sugary liquid yogurt, sweets.Not having breakfast a snack anyThey must be healthy and balanced foods.” Gala Frexer tells us not to eat anti-inflammatory foods (rich in simple sugars, sweets, saturated fats, trans fats or alcohol), “nor stimulants, to ensure good rest which is the body’s regenerative process. makes it easier

How long to wait between breakfast and dinner?
“There’s no set time. There are people who don’t eat breakfast and others who don’t eat dinner, and neither option is better than the other,” says the Longevity Hub by Clinic La Prairie nutritionist, “The bottom line is Personalize our diet based on our needs and objectives and, if we choose not to eat, make sure the rest of the day’s meals are complete and provide us with the nutrients we need to meet our nutritional needs.” At Mira+Cueto they remind us that “we must listen to our bodies. And be aware of the hunger with which we come to each meal and at the same time be organized and try to maintain regularity in our eating schedule, always adapting to our lifestyle and biorhythms. The norm is that At least two and a half hours pass between breakfast and dinnerBut don’t let more than four hours pass. Having snacks is not mandatory, if we are going to have dinner early, it will not be necessary.

Six snacks recommended by experts
To put what we’ve learned into practice, our experts recommend some super-healthy foods, like Mira+Cueto’s options for salty lovers: “Buckwheat toast with salmon, avocadoA few drops of lemon and dill. It will provide healthy polyunsaturated fats (omega 3 fatty acids), vitamin C and satiating fiber.” For those with a sweet tooth, they make an offer. “Oatmeal and Apple Pancakes: On a plate we beat an egg with three tablespoons of oats and a vegetable drink. We slice an apple and put it in the microwave or air fryer for three minutes. We decorate with cinnamon powder. “It provides satiety, fiber and vitamins.”

Recommended by Gala Fraxar “Hummus with vegetable crudités. It is a complete and satisfying breakfast because it contains complex carbohydrates (which give us energy), protein (satiating), good fats (in olive oil and sesame seeds, which also provide calcium), fiber (satiating and prebiotic)…” Also for those who are not very hungry Think about them “a Serve with fruit and a handful of raw almonds. “Fruit gives us energy, fiber, vitamins, antioxidants… and nuts, healthy fats, fiber, protein, minerals and vitamins.”

he Goat yogurt or kefir with oats and chia seeds Another suggestion from Fraxer, because “the first two provide protein, calcium, and probiotics; oats provide energy and prebiotic fiber; and chia seeds provide omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and by hydrating them, they can help regulate intestinal transit.” . Finally and as a solution for athletes, “A the bowl Natural yogurt, mango cubes, natural cashew cream and seeds Flax, for its energy and protein contribution”, concluded the Mira+Cuto doctors.