Although it is common to see her on the field with her children with her husband Alvaro Morata, last time in celebration of Spain’s victory in the Euro Cup, and she is very active in her social networks, her latest appearance has served us to note that Elis Campello is in one of his best moments. The Italian businesswoman couldn’t have been more beautiful, not only sharing the joy of her husband’s victory, but also heading back to Italy due to her team change. His secret? Privileged genetics combined with as much exercise and oil as an essential cosmetic.
And while it’s easy to boast about her beauty at 29, after having four children, her body, she says, just isn’t what it used to be. Therefore, starting to take care of yourself with some of the guidelines we will tell you below is the key to not only looking healthy, but also glowing. He knows this well, because in addition to having experts who help him stay well through treatment, the truth is In 2017 he created Maskamai, Her own beauty firm, her research has produced many beneficial ingredients for the skin, something she now applies to herself with visible results.
Alice Campello’s great body is no coincidence. It is true that he comes from privileged genetics and that he has admitted several times,”“I’m very lucky because I don’t gain any weight and I have a very fast metabolism,” But it won’t be enough if I don’t combine it with exercise and a good diet. The Italian admits to not following a strict diet, but eats everything and sins when he feels like it. Many nutritionists agree that the virtues lie in balance, and that eating a variety of foods, with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables, is the best way to be healthy.
Although it’s common to see her with her hair down, especially in her everyday life, Alvaro Morata’s wife knows that updos can be very flattering and they can highlight facial features. Because of this, when she gets the chance and goes to an event she usually likes to tie her hair up in a bun like the one she wore at the Venice Film Festival last year. A very cute updo hairstyle is parted in the middle and two strands fall over the face. Knowing what suits you is essential to getting the right one. Beauty looks.
As a beauty entrepreneur and makeup enthusiast, Alice Campello knows what the trends are. the beauty That they take the most. One of them, as you already know, is impact the glowThat glow that keeps skin hydrated and a plump look that instantly takes years off. In its product line and in its routine when it comes to getting ready, there is no shortage of products that provide a glow to the face.
As a good Italian, pasta is one of the staples of his diet so he never gives it up. Of course, she admits that she had to adjust her diet a bit after pregnancy and learn to eat better considering the amount of exercise she does. “I learned to cook, something I didn’t do much, but when you’re a mother you learn to do a little bit of everything. And now with Alvaro we start cooking. RisottosPasta…I think pasta with tomatoes is the best for me,” she admitted in an interview with Women’s Health. If you love it too, don’t deprive yourself of it and eat it in moderation.
It’s well known that overexposure to the sun (especially without protection) is harmful to the skin, but it’s also harmful to the hair. Perhaps that’s why Elise Campello always includes a hat in her suitcase to protect herself from UVA rays and prevent her blonde hair from losing shine and drying out too much. An accessory that looks great, provides style and also protects the scalp, something essential that we often forget.
like many celebrityAlice Campello’s personal trainer Kris Diaz is in charge of her fitness routine. And although the Italian admits “having not taken care of herself before becoming a mother, she had to change the way she took care of herself. Now Pilates with a machine is part of her daily life and depending on how she feels, she works one or another area of the body. .” the body
Although this cosmetic contains objectionable ingredients because it is usually associated with the production of sebum on the skin, for Elyse Campello it is an essential basic when it comes to self-care. Not only is it one of his firm’s star products, but he himself leads by example and applies it every day. His move? Cleanse your face thoroughly with a facial gel, apply a little soothing toner and finish with oils and creams to hydrate and keep your skin soft.
The Italian businesswoman exercises a lot, but besides being in the gym, she also likes to do outdoor activities and even more so if it is with her children or her husband. In fact, he can be seen on his social networks riding his bike, playing tennis and even cheering up with football. Without a doubt, a fun way is the best way to get in shape.
The important thing about knowing trends (both beauty and fashion) is being able to make the most of them, something Alice always achieves. Morata’s wife knows that one of her strong points is her looks, so she doesn’t hesitate to enhance it by putting black makeup on her eyes. Her cosmetic bag is not lacking in eyeliner and mascara, and although she almost never wears too flashy or excessive makeup, she always uses Eyeliner