Hunger and fatigue are an explosive combo. When we don’t have enough energy or don’t sleep well, in general, we tend to make “bad decisions” nutritionally speaking. however, Nicola Peltz is an exception which confirms the rule.
This actress knows how to satisfy her sweet tooth This does not imply an unhealthy over-processed food choice. We tell you why Delicious appetizer Models are also selected and what they are Its benefits according to professional nutritionists.
Nicola Peltz’s Healthy Chocolate
despite Jet lag And what that means physically and mentally, Nicola Peltz made a good choice And instead of opting for an over-processed snack, she ate some delicious dates with pistachios. They are a snack Calorie-free, but much healthier than any other option and of course, a very good substitute for sugar High fiber intake.
Experts at Glucovibs, the digital solution that analyzes how glucose affects metabolic health, confirm that “Date is a fruit that has the power to sweeten. “They are especially used in baking to replace sugar and continue to provide that sweet taste,” they tell us. “It’s very common to use it in healthy cocoa creams, cookies or cakes,” they add They confirm that “the most commonly used date variety is medzol, as the pulp makes it easier to prepare pasta.” But they warn: “Beware,Just because they’re healthy, doesn’t mean they provide any calories! This fruit has 280 calories per 100 grams!”
Dates have sugar, but…
Dietitian-nutritionist Paloma Quintana Ocana, better known as Nutrition with Q and a regular television contributor, is the founder of her own center and the author of the book Cook, Eat and Lose Fat: Delicious Recipes for a Healthy Life, He explains to us, to begin with, that food always has subtleties and that Fat and sugar are not the same in all foods. He advocates the introduction of dates in the diet because he assures We are already prioritizing our health by choosing them over other sweet ingredients. And offering to take care of ourselves. Dates have sugar, yes. Nutritionists do not deny this. However, it tells us that they have less sugar than others snack and that, in addition, They have vitamins and fiber.
Paloma invites you to eat dates, not the way Nicola eats pistachios. Use them as a sugar substitute in baking recipesBecause this way we can halve the contribution of sugars and calories. Getting a paste like a date paste from HSN used by experts can be very useful and practical. Not only is it easy to add to any mix, it also contains citric acid and water to keep it better and be creamier, making it less caloric than if we just added dates. It is important to highlight this for Paloma There is no need Demonizing sugar Without further ado, but to appreciate where it comes from, what goes with it and with what attitude it is eaten..
Why do we eat badly when we are tired?
Do you usually choose bad products when you are hungry and tired? You are not alone! Paloma Quintana confirms that this happens mainly because we have “decision fatigue”.. If making healthy decisions is not yet a habit for us, the expert explains, we will need more energy to consciously choose what is best for us nutritionally at the brain level. We will not be able to go automatically. “This is very well explained by the theory of the horseman and the elephant,” he said. He tells us that sometimes the rider decides and other times the elephant decides. It would always be ideal for the first person to receive them, but at the end of the day the first person is tired and representative. Therefore, when our day ends “We let ourselves go”. It’s decision fatigue.
On the other hand, according to Paloma, “It is fatigue itself that decreases certain neurotransmitters.”. “They increase again with certain foods,” reveals the expert. “It’s about dopamine,” he adds. He claims that this increases rapidly with highly processed products, but what we don’t realize when we blindly choose them is that the subsequent decline occurs as quickly as the “easy reward”.
To all this we must add, according to Paloma, the human brain has learned in its evolution Interpret fatigue as a threat, as a danger. He wants quick energy and it is given more by white bread with cocoa cream, for example by salad with cucumber. Our brains still live in the Paleolithic era, but the consequences of poor decision-making back then are not what they are today It is advised to educate him And adapt it to our times Making, by default, even when energy is lacking, all decisions are correct and nutritious That we accept