As cosmic lord Saturn stands still, the upcoming Full Moon is getting ready to align with transitory Uranus. One set of cosmic forces urges us to renegotiate relationships, while the other urges us to hold onto and protect what is important. It may seem that we are caught between opposing priorities, but these forces work together. It’s an opportunity to reevaluate where (and who) we’re investing our resources. Commitment is key to improving relationships. Check your horoscope today to see how the stars will affect you.
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
It’s easy to see how things can be fixed when we look from the outside. We can assess what is happening and decide what action to take. We are often right. The challenge is to communicate our idea in a way that the people involved can accept it. But there is always the possibility that we have overlooked some important factor. Since you are in the middle of a play and you have an idea of what to do, believe in yourself. No one understands the situation better than you. Trust your wisdom today.
Taurus (April 21 – May 21)
Sometimes, after enduring a situation for a long time, we reach a point where we say “enough.” Usually, this happens when the “straw that breaks the camel’s back” falls on our backs. But do we always have to wait until that moment? You’ve been carrying the weight for so long that you’ve gotten used to it. Does that mean you should do it? No! The next full moon, in your sign, gives you the clarity to reevaluate this situation. By understanding how it’s affecting your world, you’ll have the courage to say “so far.”
Gemini (May 22 – June 21)
Do you have the truth in your hands about what is happening? Or do you have information that is out of context, confusing? Truth is always complicated. Does anyone have the ability to decide which one it really is in this confusing situation? Since absolute honesty and fairness are nearly impossible to find, if you admit that you are distorting the facts in your favor, you will have an easier time communicating with others involved and finding a workable solution.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
You have an important message. But you’re not sure who to share with. You have a hard time figuring out who will be most willing to listen. Also, if they don’t have an open mind (or aren’t in the mood), you can lose influence. Therefore, you are preparing a big statement. Although your ruler, the Moon, is waxing, which can increase your impatience, a softer approach is best for you. If you can resist the urge to demand attention today, you’re more likely to be understood.
LEO (July 23 – August 23)
Do you have everything you need? Well… it depends on what you think. If you’re sure you need the resources but you think about aspects of your plan and decide it’s impossible to have everything ready, you already have what you need to get started. Believe in yourself and adapt; You will be able to deal with whatever comes in a better way.
Virgo (August 24 – September 23)
“Attention to detail” was the key to the success of the great detective Sherlock Holmes. He noticed things that others missed. Imagine you are at an elegant event. If someone dresses impeccably, but wears worn-out shoes, what would you guess? Are you being too critical? Or is your life so stressful that you forget to wear the right shoes? Small things can be important and say a lot about big issues. Pay attention to your perception today; Revealing hidden and useful truths.
Libra (September 24 – October 23)
The problem with cake is that you can’t “have it and eat it at the same time.” At least, that’s what they say. But what’s the point of having a cake and just looking at it? And since you can’t eat one you don’t have, why not eat the one in front of you? Beyond the cake dilemma, life always presents us with difficult decisions. Now you face one of them. But if you reevaluate an old adage that you never questioned, you’ll realize that the seemingly impossible is possible, leading to a sweet outcome.
Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
In the back of our minds, we store models and examples that we use when faced with challenging situations. The problem is that sometimes we misinterpret the situation and choose the wrong reference. Did you see what I did there? You thought the phrase was going somewhere else! Prepare to question your assumptions as we approach the full moon. Even if you’re sure you know how something will happen, leave room for surprising, more positive outcomes.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
We all think we know ourselves. And we all think we know what we need to be happy. Obviously. If we do not know who will know? But, from time to time, life brings us experiences that force us to reconsider. We learn lessons that lead us to reevaluate our needs and priorities. The full moon gives you the insight to understand something new about some of your deepest needs. The good news is that you’re about to discover an easy way to satisfy the one who matters most
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
You have been patient for a while. Now, with Venus in your sign and your ruler, Saturn, slowing turning direct, your persistence is about to pay off. If you don’t already enjoy life, you will soon find many reasons to enjoy it. The areas of your life that you are focusing your energy on will begin to flow more easily. It’s time to take advantage of the good and remind yourself that, in the future, when life seems like a chore, there will always be a reward for your efforts.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)
Shall we talk about things that bother you? If we spend your horoscope analyzing the pros and cons of this challenging situation, will it make things clearer for you? Or will it make everything worse? Generally, I would recommend that you face the facts and deal with what seems problematic. But not today. You are always direct and forward-thinking, but as the Moon is full and ready to connect with your ruler, you will receive a vision so powerful that your perspective will change. For now, instead of solving the problem, it is better to ignore it!
Pisces (February 20 – March 20)
True freedom is a state of mind; It has little to do with physical space. Think of people who have the power to do whatever they want; Your lack of limitations does not guarantee your happiness. They get stuck in a routine, as complete freedom of choice soon becomes a burden. Some of the best ideas and artistic creations are born from people constrained by forces beyond their control. Now that Saturn slows down in your sign, you can free yourself from things that have been holding you back.