Joe Biden turns 82 today. Despite the disappointment of retiring from the presidency, perhaps a part of him is relieved that his long and illustrious political career is coming to an end. Personally, I find working with my to-do list exhausting, and I’m 40 years younger and considerably less stressed! With Venus (love) and dynamic Uranus aligning, there’s some work to be done before we can relax, but changes in circumstances can be surprisingly rewarding. Check it in your horoscope today.
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
With Venus conjunct Uranus, you will finally understand something about a person or situation. Phew! It’s good to be able to feel things. However, replacing confusion will require adjustment to clarity. A faint hope you’ve been clinging to no longer seems viable. Facing this new reality can be challenging, but knowing where you stand is empowering. Today’s realization gives you a decision-making tool that will transform a thought into a source of peace of mind.
Taurus (April 21 – May 21)
According to some, the celestial record contains the history of each soul from the beginning of time. Every emotion, thought and action is recorded there, like a vast celestial database. In your life, there seems to be a disconnect between how things were, what is happening, and what you want. But you are overlooking an essential link. With Venus, your ruler, connecting with dynamic Uranus, a revelation will help you see how the past and present are leading you to the future you deserve.
Gemini (May 22 – June 22)
When it feels like your world is rocking, you can try to regain control or decide to drift and see what happens. Which method do you prefer? Some people believe that it is better to start with determination and give up if it doesn’t work. Others choose to let themselves go for a while. No matter what your style, don’t worry if everything feels cluttered today. Yes, you are on a roller coaster, but the destination is positive.
Cancer (June 23 – July 23)
If you are diving and you reach the bottom of the ocean, you will raise a cloud of sand that will prevent you from seeing the beauty of the fauna and flora until it lasts. This experience is not exclusive to diving. When faced with new and challenging situations, we feel confused. It takes time to adapt. If something seems shady in your life, it’s because you’re in for an adventure. Be patient. It will be clear soon. And it will get better.
LEO (July 24 – August 23)
Unfortunately, when I’m about to enjoy a pizza, the phrase “a moment on the lips, a life on the hips” never comes to mind. This is not entirely true: we can eliminate any excess with exercise and moderation. But finding that self-control can be difficult. Today, some things will be easier. But just because they’re easy does that mean you should do them? If you don’t like the results, remember that you can always correct the course.
Virgo (August 24 – September 23)
Glass may look solid, but looking through old windows you’ll notice a ripple effect; The glass is thicker at the bottom. It reminds us that things are not always what they seem. We may think we are facing an impossible obstacle, but if we change our perspective, we can find a way. Today you will get clarity to solve a problem. It is not as serious as you imagine.
Libra (September 24 – October 23)
Creating complete darkness is not easy. You need thick blackout curtains or blinds, and the quality of external lighting plays a role. Even if you think you’ve made it, your eyes adjust and you start to make out shapes. Extinguishing hope is as difficult as eliminating light. Today, your ruler, Venus, connects with Uranus, bringing a spark of an idea that lights up your world with a ray of sunshine.
Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
You are a talented Scorpio. Your natural sensitivity and intuition make you special. You should be proud of these qualities. However, this makes it difficult for others to convince you. This can make them seem more decisive than you, since you process everything on a deeper level. But it is positive. Don’t let yourself be pressured into making decisions today. Trust your intuition. This will lead you in the right direction.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
As algorithms influence the information we receive, conspiracy theories are on the rise. But this thought can intrude into our personal lives, making us believe that everything is conspiring against us. As an optimistic Sagittarius, you are less likely to fall into this mindset. So keep going even if things don’t go according to plan. Don’t fall into the blame trap. If something gets in the way, it only has the power you give it.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
With Venus, the planet of love and abundance, in your sign, and Saturn moving strongly, why haven’t you hit the jackpot? It’s easy to create unrealistic expectations. But don’t be surprised if something unexpected happens today with Venus conjunct Uranus, the planet of wonder. Your daily routine hides unusual possibilities. If you recognize them and adjust your plans, it will be a good day.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)
How deep are our feelings? How long do our most intense emotional commitments last? With Venus aligning with your ruler, Uranus, you have an opportunity to strengthen a connection today. You have to put your heart into what is happening. Trust your gut reaction to someone. How do you know if what will appear forever? you can’t But if you enjoy what happens in the present, isn’t that enough?
Pisces (February 20 – March 20)
Spiritual people generally agree that the universe rewards certain types of behavior. As Santa Claus rewards good children, we are rewarded if we do good. What are the chances that you will receive a gift today? How high are the standards you hold yourself to? Who needs to be convinced of your attitude towards yourself, others and the planet? Remember that love is at the center of everything. If you reflect on everything you do, you will love what you develop.